I am looking for someone to suggest a good jQuery carousel plugin with thumbnails below and larger version of those thumbnails above it. There are many jQuery carousels with an option for slideshow along with thumbnails, but what I need is, 3 images to be visible in the slideshow. Prev image of "current slide" and Next image of "current slide". So when the user clicks a thumbnail, it also slides the above slideshow with 3 images.
Any ideas how to implement with an existing jquery carousel plugin? I guess, a multiple carousel with "sync" feature? Anything else?
I came across FlexSlider and it has option for Slideshow with thumbnail carousel. FlexSlider with thumbnail carousel It automatically adds a "flex-active-slide" to the slideshow image. I decided to make visible the prev and next images depending on the "flex-active-slide", so it shows 3 images in 1 scroll. But, when I change the width of each slideshow, "flex-active-slide" is not added. This makes it difficult to determine the prev/next slide which I want to show along-with. I have tried other carousels like CarouFredsel, but couldn't find a solution.