Let me clarify this by investigating a situation,Assume that you have view like;
@using (var context = SetUpSomeContext()) {
Some content here
And we are assuming that razor executes the page in the order you expect, what would happen if we declared our view like?
Layout = null;
Razor would not have any idea whether that view needs a layout page until executing @RenderBody().Also it would deduce that it rendered layout page for nothing and this would not be reasonable.So this is not what actually happens.
When request made it is so natural that Razor first executes body of your view.
If your view not specified layout like in my demo Razor only renders output of that page and stops there.If view has a layout specified like in your code
after executing the view , it passes control to layout page.(Layout page starts to render from top to bottom)So what is remaining for Layout page is only content placement.When it sees @RenderBody() it only places output of your already executed view.
For sections; they are not executed when your view body executed, after your view passes control to layout page,layout page explicitly invokes the execution of your sections in the order they are declared.
Also notice that you are specifying your page title in your view body and it is rendered in your layout title tag (ViewBag.Title).After executing view body all the variables which is declared in view body are available in layout page.
Sum:Rendering order is from top to bottom but execution order is different.
For your situation: "SomethingThatDependsOnContextBeingSetUp executes before SetUpSomeContext and fails". Like i said it is natural behaviour of Razor execution cycle, view body executed before layout page executed.When you make it section ; view body executed first but sections are not executed before layout page.View body passes control to layout page and Layout page starts to render from top to bottom and if it sees @RenderSection then invokes the execution of section.So in this case SetUpSomeContext is executed before SomethingThatDependsOnContextBeingSetUp executed.