The goal of the OP is that he wants to define inline scripts into his Partial View, which I assume that this script is specific only to that Partial View, and have that block included into his script section.
I get that he wants to have that Partial View to be self contained. The idea is similar to components when using Angular.
My way would be to just keep the scripts inside the Partial View as is. Now the problem with that is when calling Partial View, it may execute the script in there before all other scripts (which is typically added to the bottom of the layout page). In that case, you just have the Partial View script wait for the other scripts. There are several ways to do this. The simplest one, which I've used before, is using an event on body
On my layout, I would have something on the bottom like this:
// global scripts
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
// view scripts
@RenderSection("scripts", false)
// then finally trigger partial view scripts
document.querySelector('body').dispatchEvent(new Event('scriptsLoaded'));
Then on my Partial View (at the bottom):
document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('scriptsLoaded', function() {
Another solution is using a stack to push all your scripts, and call each one at the end. Other solution, as mentioned already, is RequireJS/AMD pattern, which works really well also.