I wanted to add button on my list Item. List item contains same data from store. I want to add submit button on each list item. I have tried with Html button but if I click on button then list tap event and button tab events are called. Is there any way solution for this in sencha. Thanks
2 Answers
You can create a class to extend Ext.dataview.component.DataItem
, and use that in conjunction with useComponents: true
on your list. With that class, you can add a button that has a tap event.
Check out this post that gives full instructions on how to do this: http://www.sencha.com/blog/dive-into-dataview-with-sencha-touch-2-beta-2
To add button on list Item I have use following code :
<div class="x-button x-button-action button-cls1" <span class="x-button-label" id="accept">Accept</span></div>
Using Id of the button we can handle functionality for that button.
This button can be added by using HTML tag also. Its work foe me.