I am working on a sencha touch application. I have a view that extends from panel
The view
Ext.define('MyApp.view.home', {
extend : 'Ext.Panel',
xtype : 'homeGrid',
config : {
scrollable: 'vertical',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
html : '<div></div>'
From the controller, I am adding an item to this panel dynamically, after reading some data from the server:
In the controller
var homeGrid = this.getHomeGrid();
var htmlString = '<ul class="myGrid">';
htmlString = htmlString + '\
<div class="gridItem" id="item1">\
<div class="gridIcon">\
<img class="gridIconImage" src="myIcon.png"/>\
<div class="gridItemName">\
Item 2\
<div class="gridItem" id="item2">\
<div class="gridIcon">\
<img class="gridIconImage" src="myIcon.png"/>\
<div class="gridItemName">\
Item 1\
<div class="gridItem" id="item3">\
<div class="gridIcon">\
<img class="gridIconImage" src="myIcon.png"/>\
<div class="gridItemName">\
Item 3\
xtype: 'panel',
html : htmlString
Basically I just generate the html from concatenated string and add a new panel item to the original with the HTML generated.
Untill now al works fine.
Now I need to add a tap (click) listener to the gridItem divs, when the user clicks on one of the gridItems I need to show an alert with the id of the div taped.
How can I do that?
I tried to add a control that reference the "gridItem" class:
config: {
refs: {
homeGrid: 'emergencyGrid',
gridItem: '.gridItem'
control: {
'.gridItem': {
tap: 'onGridItem'
But the onGridItem is never called when I tap.
I think the issue is that I am adding the divs dynamically after initializing the control. Is there a way to add the tap listener after I injected the divs inside the panel?
Thanks a lot for any help