
We are trying to set a Radio button to be selected initially when an envelope is created based on certain conditions outside of Docusign.

Testing using the following URL and request body. https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/163051/envelopes/49c4ebeb-331d-4cf9-bce7-843be646fbd5/recipients/1/tabs



Even though we only have 1 radio tab, we receive this response:

    {"errorCode": "INVALID_TAB_OPERATION",
"message": "The Tab specified is not valid for the requested operation. Attempt to create 'text' tab from invalid tab type."}

Why are we getting this response? We have checked and the RadioGroup, tabId, envelopeId, accountId are all valid.


1 Answers


Thanks for your post, looks like you've identified an api bug with the platform. In testing I've found that I can modify other tabs just fine (such as dateSigned for instance) but there seems to be a problem modifying existing radio button tabs.

I've logged a bug with DocuSign, not sure when it will be fixed though. The August release just came out so hopefully by the September release. Will post here once resolved.