
Is it possible in Jackrabbit to restrict same name name siblings, without fully defining the types of my nodes? I am looking (I guess) for a simple CND definition that I can apply to my repository and use as the type of all of my nodes.

I am trying to follow the guidelines here: (http://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/DavidsModel), specifically, #1 avoiding creating a strong schema up-front, but I find this to be incompatible with #4, avoiding same name siblings.

I can manually avoid same name siblings, by locking the relevant parent node (collection), and checking for a node with the same name manually, and I will probably do this anyway in order to present application level error messages, but I'd prefer an additional layer of protection against inconsistency.

Also, I found this document:


Though there is a required set of node types that every compliant repository must support, none of these required node types allow same-name siblings and any further node types available in a particular repository are implementation-specific. Therefore, it is possible for a repository to disallow same-name siblings altogether by restricting the set of available node types.

This seems inconsistent with what I have observed, e.g.:

final Repository repository = new TransientRepository();
final Session session = repository.login(new SimpleCredentials("username", "password".toCharArray()));
final Node collection = session.getRootNode().addNode("collection", "nt:unstructured");
final Node childA = collection.addNode("child", "nt:unstructured");
final Node childB = collection.addNode("child", "nt:unstructured");
//prints 2

Is this something that's changed in version 2.0 of JCR? (I notice that is a v1.0 specification)

I find JCR seems very appropriate in principle, but the lack of documentation is letting it down for me at the moment, so any links to good up-to-date information would be highly appreciated.


1 Answers


Based on the CND definition for nt:unstructured here:


I came up with this definition:

<my = 'http://example.com/my'>
[my:unstructured] orderable
  - * (undefined) multiple
  - * (undefined)
  + * (nt:base) = my:unstructured version

This seems to be working, now I get this on the attempt to add the second child node:

javax.jcr.ItemExistsException: This node already exists: /collection/child at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl.addNode(NodeImpl.java:1508) at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl.addNodeWithUuid(NodeImpl.java:2087) at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl.addNode(NodeImpl.java:1992)

Which is what I expected.