I have a large number of objects arranged in a tree-like structure (each node on the tree has parents and children, starting with one master node, and ending in many child nodes). Each object has it's own ID in the form of a string, and there are many duplicate IDs, but no duplicates sunder the same parent. Example:
- childA
- childB
- childD
- childA
- childC
- childD
The tree is also many layers deep.
I need a method of finding objects that will work like this (example is based on the previous list):
Example 1:
- an ArrayList with the string {"childB"} is passed to the algorithm
- there are no duplicate nodes with an ID of "childB", so a refrence to childB is returned
Example 2:
- an ArrayList with the strings {"parentA", "childD"} is passed to the algorithm
- there are no duplicate nodes with an ID of "childD" AND a parent with an ID of "parentA", so a reference to the given node is returned
Example 3:
- an ArrayList with the string {"childD"} is passed to the algorithm
- there are duplicate nodes with an ID of "childD" so the algorithm requests for more information (the name of the parent(s))
Keep in mind that there may be many levels of specificity, like {"nodeA", "nodeD", "nodeX", "nodeD"} so some kind of loop, or maybe a recursive method would be needed.
So, any ideas?
Update: I created a depth-first-search algorithm to go through each node on the tree, and it works very well. The algorithm returns all nodes in the form of one ArrayList All I need now is a way to select one based on varying degrees of specificity. Can anyone help with that? The above three examples show what I need.