
I have many objects that have been indexed in ES. Two of each object's properties is "type" and "title". Is there any way to boost results so that if a certain type in the result set is the majority, the title is weighs much more than the other properties such as "description"?

Edit: I am already boosting certain properties. But I want, given a certain characteristic of the result set(most types are the similar), to further boost another field.

I think you may be able to with some custom scoring. Can you please give an example of the query, and then 2 results which are returned where you want the order to be reversed to what it is currently?ramseykhalaf

1 Answers


you can add boosting to your query:

for example:

"term": {
        "terms": {
          "value": "stranger then fiction",
          "boost": 1.8

read more here: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/mapping/boost-field/