I have an XML file in this format
<currency name="US dollar" code_alpha="USD" code_numeric="840" />
<currency name="Euro" code_alpha="EUR" code_numeric="978" />
echo $xml->name. "<br>"; --no output
echo $xml->code_alpha. "<br>"; --no output
echo $xml->code_numeric . "<br>"; --no output
output of print_r($xml)-->SimpleXMLElement Object ( [currency] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [@attributes] => Array ( [name] => US dollar [code_alpha] => USD [code_numeric] => 840 ) )
I didnt get any output for the ECHO statements I tried 'simplexml_load_file' and tried reading from it but it doesnt work. Please tell me what php code should I use to read from this format of XML file.
didn't work? show us your php code first. – STT LCUecho $xml->name. "<br>"; echo $xml->code_alpha . "<br>"; echo $xml->code_numeric. "<br>";
i tried this as per W3schools but got a blank output ..... – KMC