I'm an evil Emacs user. However, I really only use the normal mode for fancy Vim style edits when I find them more convenient than regular Emacs commands. (Mostly fancy bulk editing/yanking/deleting). However, I'm also a huge user of the minibuffer (I do a lot of M-x with ido and flx so I can avoid remembering the more esoteric commands). When I do, evil switches to normal mode automatically after I exit. I find that very annoying/confusing. How can I get it to stop? (preferably in an elegant, non-hackish way).
Thanks, PythonNut
It appears that the switch to normal mode happens in all windows and in all frames.
don't include any evil hooks. it's contents are(minibuffer-depth-setup icicle-minibuffer-setup ido-minibuffer-setup auto-indent-minibuffer-hook rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer minibuffer-history-isearch-setup minibuffer-history-initialize)
ā PythonNut