This a general FPGA design question, I'm kind of new to FPGA design and have just embarked on my first large scale project, building some nice linear algebra solvers. The systems are pretty large so getting it right first time is important.
After successful simulations I am now sythensizing, but am having a nightmare, I am having to build and test it component by component as nothing behaves as it does in simulation! I'm mainly having issues with state machines where outputs are not being synchronized for example this is a data loader i'm using:
entity TriDiag_Data_Scheduler is
generic( W : integer :=16;
AW : integer := 10 -- address width
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
rst : in STD_LOGIC; --attatched to data finished
d_ready : in STD_LOGIC;
din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (W-1 downto 0);
wr_en : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);
dout_a, dout_b, dout_c, dout_y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (W-1 downto 0);
addr_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (AW-1 downto 0));
end TriDiag_Data_Scheduler;
architecture Behavioral of TriDiag_Data_Scheduler is
type state is (a,b,c,y);
signal state_pr, state_next : state := y;
signal addr_reg, addr_next : std_logic_vector(AW-1 downto 0) :=(others =>'1');
signal wr_en_next : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--data buffer
signal d_buff, d_buff_a, d_buff_b, d_buff_c, d_buff_y : std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0) :=(others =>'0');
signal d_buff_a_reg, d_buff_b_reg, d_buff_c_reg, d_buff_y_reg : std_logic_vector (W-1 downto 0) :=(others =>'0');
if(clk'event and clk ='1') then
state_pr <= state_next;
d_buff_a <= d_buff_a_reg;
d_buff_b <= d_buff_b_reg;
d_buff_c <= d_buff_c_reg;
d_buff_y <= d_buff_y_reg;
addr_reg <= addr_next;
wr_en <= wr_en_next;
end if;
end process;
addr_out <= addr_reg;
dout_a <= d_buff_a;
dout_b <= d_buff_b;
dout_c <= d_buff_c;
dout_y <= d_buff_y;
--Data out logic
process(state_pr, d_buff_a, d_buff_b, d_buff_c, d_buff_y, d_buff)
d_buff_a_reg <= d_buff_a;
d_buff_b_reg <= d_buff_b;
d_buff_c_reg <= d_buff_c;
d_buff_y_reg <= d_buff_y;
case state_pr is
when a => --move data to a reg
d_buff_a_reg <= d_buff;
when b => --move data to b reg
d_buff_b_reg <= d_buff;
when c => --move data to c reg
d_buff_c_reg <= d_buff;
when y =>
d_buff_y_reg <= d_buff;
end case;
end process;
--next state and addr logic
process(state_pr, d_ready, rst, din)
state_next <= state_pr;
addr_next <= addr_reg;
wr_en_next <= (others => '0');
if(rst = '1') then
state_next <= a;
addr_next <= (others =>'1');
wr_en_next <= (others => '0');
elsif(d_ready = '1') then
--Read in the data to the buffer
d_buff <= din;
--next state logic
case state_pr is
when a => --move data to a reg
addr_next <= addr_reg + 1;
-- d_buff_a_reg <= din;
wr_en_next <= "0001";
state_next <= b;
when b => --move data to b reg
wr_en_next <= "0010";
-- d_buff_b_reg <= din;
state_next <= c;
when c => --move data to c reg
wr_en_next <= "0100";
-- d_buff_c_reg <= din;
state_next <= y;
when y =>
-- d_buff_y_reg <= din;
wr_en_next <= "1000";
state_next <= a;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Basically when data is received via a UART module its job is to then load into the correct memory (controlled by write_en signal). The issue is that in all my designs (this is revision 7) all addr_out, wr_en and the correct data are in syn, but in synthesis I keep finding that the addr and wr_en are not in syn with the data and reads half from the preceding and half from the previous state.
What design practices should I use so that my VHDL is more syntheziable friendly because at this rate I will have to re-write all my previous hard-work for each component!
Many thanks Sam
. Just a small negligence that won't show up in simulation, but have a large impact on synthesis. Also, naming something _reg when it is not a register is very confusing (e.g.,d_buff_a_reg
)! – zennehoy