
I need to add current opened campaign form to Marketing list(this marketing list form was opened from left navigation of that campaign), after providing input to marketing list form , i need to associate this marketing list to current form of campaign using java script.

please find the screen shot below for your clear reference.

Below image is an normal campaign form the below image is an campaign form

After selecting "Marketing List" from left navigation of previous image. And from here i need to select "Add New Marketing List". enter image description here After providing Input to Marketing list form, then if i select save and close , i will get the marketing name list in "Marketing list Associated View" in Campaign form as in next image. enter image description here

But this Marketing list is not associating with the current campaign, so how to associate this with campaign. can we use javascript to associate , or can we use any ribbon buttons to associate. enter image description here


1 Answers


The relationsihp between campaign and marketing list is N:N. So the created marketing list can be used by multiple campaigns.