How do I set the name of the container when creating an asset for Windows Azure Media Services?
Calling my CloudMediaContext like this to create a new asset creates a new container in blob storage with the name "asset-[newGuid]" e.g. "asset-f230411a-22a0-4813-9187-4b815dbfdf12".
var assetName = "foobar";
var asset = _mediaContext.Assets.Create(assetName, assetCreationOptions);
Background info on the call above by Nick Drouin (who works at MS on AMS)
"Under the hood, the call above will: create an IAsset and add it to the assets collection; create an IFileInfo to put in the asset; create an AccessPolicy with write permission, request a SAS locator for the asset container in Azure Storage using the AccessPolicy, upload the file into your storage account, and finally revoke the SAS url."
Question How do I control the name of the container?