
What's the best approach to cloning video assets in Azure Media Services?

Scenario: I've got the project in my app with various videos already processed (submitted transform job, processed and published on CDN) by Azure Media Services. I'm using this project as a template project for other projects in my app so I need to clone videos created by Azure Media Services as well. What's the best approach? I've found this documentation for cloning blobs in v2, however, I haven't found any resources for v3.

Is it safe to clone just generated blobs using Blob Storage API? If so how to create streaming locators/publish cloned blobs to be accessible via CDN?

What I tried: I know I can submit a new transform job for the original video asset and create new blobs using Azure Media Services API, nevertheless, from a performance perspective, I reckon it could be much efficient just to clone assets on the blob layer and then publish them instead of processing them again.

Is there any other way?

Edit: Cloning videos are essential since users can edit/delete videos in their projects, however, template projects mustn't be affected.

If you find a good way to solve the issue, you can send your answer share with us. ^-^!Jason Pan

1 Answers



Maybe you can read this document. You can download/upload asset. So users can edit/delete videos in their own space, and template asset won't be affected. Azure-Media-Services v3 don't have document about copying existing blob.


Why you need to clone videos to other project? Your assets have been storaged in azure and publish on CDN. You can read directly, it's just media content. I think clone to other blob or container may cost you a lot.

I have read document about V2 and V3. In V2, it show us how to copy blobs between two AMS accounts, but V3 not. I also read source code about Azure-Media-Services-Explorer For V3, it's a good tools for azure-media-services. In this tools, it support to copy asset to another ams account or self. Pic like below,

1、Copy asset on Azure-Media-Services-Explorer

Copy asset on Azure-Media-Services-Explorer

2、Choose AMS Account... Choose AMS Account...

You can read source code about it if you also want to clone asset. I think it will useful to u.