Implemented an NSTableView with editable headers like in this Stackoverflow question. Everything works fine, except for double-clicking in the table to edit cells. This no longer works.
I suspect this happens because of the NSTableView setDoubleAction:
bit being set to the custom method, and that method then becomes the handler for all double click events in the table (code sample from original question follows):
-(void)setupTableHeader:(id)table {
NSArray *columns = [table tableColumns];
NSEnumerator *cols = [columns objectEnumerator];
NSTableColumn *col = nil;
NBETableHeaderCell *iHeaderCell;
while (col = [cols nextObject]) {
iHeaderCell = [[NBETableHeaderCell alloc] initTextCell:[[col headerCell] stringValue]];
[col setHeaderCell:iHeaderCell];
[[col headerCell] setEditable:YES];
[iHeaderCell release];
[table setTarget:self];
[table setDoubleAction:@selector(doubleClickInTableView:)]; // < This bit
My question is, how would one go about restoring the double click functionality for editing table cells?
Thank you.