
I have some editable cells in an NSTableView.

I enter a cell by double clicking on it. I have other buttons on the window. Any time I click on a button, this terminates the cell editing in a way I just get nothing in the cell and the NSTableView is not refreshed, even if I call [myTableView reloadData].

A possible workaround would be to disable all the buttons as soon as I start a cell edit in the NSTableView but I do not know how to detect this.

I can capture things as soon as something is typed in with :

(void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)notification

But this is not what I want, it's just too late, because it only gets called after the user types into the cell editor.

I want to detect exactly when the cell editing starts, even if nothing has been typed yet.

I have seen some posts with a possible outcome:

It’s best to first ask the window to become firstResponder (thus taking firstReponder away from the focused field), and if that failed, to resort to the crude “endEditingFor:” method on NSWindow.

But this is just greek to me. Any help is much appreciated.

Is the table view cell based or view based?Monolo
I, too, have this problem, i.e. detecting when editing starts. Solutions I found are all not working (using 10.11 SDK, building for 10.6): Neither the suggestions in cocoabuilder.com/archive/cocoa/142689-nstableview-editing.html nor the TN (developer.apple.com/library/content/qa/qa1551/_index.html). They either come too early, when the editor is not active yet (shouldEditTableColumn), too late (TN) or never get called (editWithFrame in NSTextFieldCell subclass).Thomas Tempelmann

2 Answers


The solution to detect when a cell's field editor starts, waiting for input, is to override the cell's setUpFieldEditorAttributes: method (and then invoke its super's message), like this:

-(NSText *)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSTextView *)textObj
    NSTableView *table = (NSTableView*) self.controlView;
    NSLog(@"editing starts in row %d col %d", (int)table.editedRow, (int)table.editedColumn);
    return [super setUpFieldEditorAttributes:textObj];

Finally I did this and this did help :

The common workaround is to make sure the NSTextFieldCell is not the firstResponder anymore. In each button triggered ACTION method, just add this :

 IBOutlet NSDatePicker        *dateDebut;

 - (IBAction)currYear:(id)sender
    [[dateDebut window] makeFirstResponder:dateDebut]; // or any other IBOutlet in the NSWindow

This forces the end of the cell edition so that we get something clean.