
This is the error I get when I use Objective Sharpie to create a binding of native Objective C static library.

Followed the instructions from here and here.

sharpie-clang-parser exited with error code: 132 System.Exception: sharpie-clang-parser exited with error code: 132 at Sharpie.ObjC.Parser.Parse (System.IO.TextWriter sexpWriter, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 stderrLines) [0x00000] in :0 at Sharpie.Mac.MainWindowController+c_AnonStorey3.<>m_B (System.Object o) [0x00000] in :0

Using Xamarin Studio 4.0.9 (build 12)

Objective Sharpie v 0.4.9


The Xamarin docs, clearly state that Command Line Tools need to be installed before using the Objective Sharpie. This solved the issue.


1 Answers


Before using the Objective Sharpie, The command line tools need to be installed in Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads pane. This solved the error/issue am facing.

Perhaps this answer helped me.