I'm trying to implement a simple Gaussian blur in android and it works pretty slow :( here's the relevant code:
double rSum = 0;
double gSum = 0;
double bSum = 0;
double weightSum = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < originalImage.height ; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < originalImage.width ; x++){
int newPixel;
rSum = 0;
gSum = 0;
bSum = 0;
weightSum = 1;
for(int row = y-FRAME_OFFSET ; row <= y+FRAME_OFFSET ; row++){
for(int col = x-FRAME_OFFSET ; col <= x+FRAME_OFFSET ; col++){
if(originalImage.inBounds(col, row)){
double weight = weights[(x-col)*(x-col) + (y-row)*(y-row)];
weightSum += weight;
int pixel = originalImage.at(col, row);
int red = (pixel >> 16) & 0xFF ;
int green = (pixel >> 8) & 0xFF ;
int blue = pixel & 0xFF ;
rSum += red * weight;
gSum += green * weight;
bSum += blue * weight;
rSum /= weightSum;
gSum /= weightSum;
bSum /= weightSum;
newPixel = Color.rgb((int)rSum, (int)gSum, (int)bSum);
maskedImage.set(x, y, newPixel);
If i use this algorithm with frame FRAME_OFFSET (radius) of 15 it takes about 3 minutes(!) on a 512x512 image, and it get worst as i increase the offset. My guess is that it's a caching problem as when i calculate the new pixel i'm accessing pixels in different rows that's probably not in the cache.
Any help/improvements will be appreciated.
Please note that i need to implement this algorithm by myself and not use an existing implementation.