I have a xpage where I have dependent combo-boxes. When I select first combobox, it partially refreshes second combobox, which is populated by huge number of keywords (approx. 10K looking up from view). This action takes a lot of time, owing to which I decided to use XSP.submitlatency
So, I created scriptblock and added this code:
XSP.addOnLoad(function() {
//increase Ajax request timeout to 35 seconds
XSP.submitLatency = 35 * 1000;
This worked fine but then all other partial refreshes take 15 seconds.
Then I tried using submitlatency=15000
with first combobox instead of using on addOnLoad(). Along with above I used submitlatency=2000
when I click for any other partial refresh. But couldn't find the expected results. Normal behaviour of page is gone and other partial refreshes seem NOT to work.
Please help ! Or suggest if there is better alternative to deal with this problem to enhance responsive time.