Just fyi, I've been developing with xpages since they were introduced, so I feel like I somewhat know what I'm doing. However, this one case is driving me nuts.
I have two combo boxes, a ShipTo and a BillTo. The ShipTo selection will update the choices for the BillTo combobox. Nothing fancy.
Here's the problem. When the page opens, both fields are set with defaults. If I choose a different ShipTo, the BillTo choices change (as expected, from the panel partial refresh) BUT the onChange ssjs code in the ShipTo field does not run. Follow me, here.... when I change the ShipTo, it partial refreshes the enclosing panel onChange. The first thing that recomputes is the choices for the BillTo field. THEN, the onChange ssjs is triggered in the ShipTo field. It's not what one would expect, but my console messages show this to be true.
So, when the BillTo has a value (i.e. not = "-Select-") then the onChange ssjs does not fire. Once the BillTo refreshes to -Select- (because of the ShipTo change) then the ShipTo onChange ssjs will run just fine. Every time. UNTIL I select a BillTo... then the onChange ssjs will not run.
Crazy, I know. But, this is for a customer application, so I need to get it figured out.
Here's the console when the BillTo = "-Select-"
HTTP JVM: getting billto choices
HTTP JVM: ... billto values complete
HTTP JVM: shipto onchange
HTTP JVM: sel=CelayaH4999
Now, when I select a valid BillTo (no refresh or onchange events there) and then reselect a ShipTo, I get this...
HTTP JVM: getting billto choices
HTTP JVM: ... billto values complete
The ShipTo onChange ssjs NEVER RUNS. Go figure.
Here's my test page:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core">
<xp:dominoDocument var="document1" formName="Entry1">
var res = InitializeWF("Entry1",document1,true); //newdoc
var res = InitializeDefaults(document1);
document1.replaceItemValue("MpxLoc","Y"); //for compatibility
<xp:script src="/xpServerSide.jss" clientSide="false"></xp:script>
<xp:panel id="panelPage">
<xp:comboBox id="ShipToKey" value="#{document1.ShipToKeyx}">
<xp:selectItems id="selectItems5">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var list = @DbColumn(@DbName(),"shpmstlookupui",9);
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true"
refreshMode="partial" refreshId="panelPage" id="eventHandler9">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[#{javascript:print("shipto onchange")
var sel = getComponent("ShipToKey").getValue();
var res = true;
if(sel==null || sel=="" || sel=="-Select-"){
res = false;
var sview = database.getView("shpmstlookupui");
var vdoc = sview.getDocumentByKey(sel,true);
//verify billto is from this same whs
//print("shipwh = " + document1.getItemValueString("ShipWh")+", billwh = "+document1.getItemValueString("BillWh"))
if(!res || document1.getItemValueString("ShipWh")!=document1.getItemValueString("BillWh")){
<xp:text escape="false" id="computedField11">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var list = new Array(document1.getItemValue("ReqShipToAddress"));
//print("shipto address list len = "+list.length+", list = "+list)
if(list.length==0){return null;}
return "<UL style='list-style-type: none;padding: 0px;margin: 0px'><LI>" + @Implode(list,"<LI>") + "</UL>";}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:comboBox id="BillToKey" value="#{document1.BillToKeyx}">
<xp:selectItems id="selectItems6">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var tmparrx = new Array("bob","tim")
print("getting billto choices ==============================================================================")
var sel = getComponent("ShipToKey").getValue();
if(sel==null || sel=="-Select-" || sel==""){
print("sel is null, returning tmparrx");
return @Unique(tmparrx);
//try xsp value
sel = document1.getItemValueString("ShipToKey");
if(sel==null || sel=="-Select-" || sel==""){
var shipwh = null;
else {
var shipwh = null;
var sview = database.getView("shpmstlookupui");
var vdoc = sview.getDocumentByKey(sel,true);
shipwh = vdoc.getItemValueString("Shipwh");
else {
var shipwh = null;
var sview = database.getView("shpmstlookupui");
var vdoc = sview.getDocumentByKey(sel,true);
shipwh = vdoc.getItemValueString("Shipwh");
// print("got shipwh = "+shipwh)
// return @Unique(tmparrx);
if(shipwh==null){return null;}
var list = @DbLookup(@DbName(),"shpmstlookup2",shipwh,9);
if(typeof list==="string"){
var tmparr = new Array(list);
else {
var tmparr = list;
print("... billto values complete");
//return @Unique(tmparrx);
return @Unique(tmparr);
//check existing selection
var sel = document1.getItemValueString("BillToKey");
print("initial value = "+sel)
var found = false;
var entry = tmp2[x];
print("found = true")
found = true;
print("not found")
var sel = document1.getItemValueString("BillToKey");
print("post value = "+sel)
It's the craziest thing.
If I return a new Array("bob","tim") for the BillTo choices, then all works as it should - no matter what the BillTo selection is. But, when I return the BillTo choices as computed, then it doesn't work. So, it appears there's a problem with the BillTo choices formula, but I can't find anything wrong.
Can someone identify the stupid mistake I'm making? - or, point me in the right direction to get this cleared up?