I have a very annoying problem with a stacked bar plot created using ggplot2
There are a couple of similar questions previously asked but after going through the example code I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.
I would like to make the graph so that the bars are stacked in the following order based on their Biogeographic.affinity
: (Top to Bottom= Bassian,Widespread,Torresian, and Eyrean). The colors to the bars should be: (Bassian=drakgrey, Widespread=lightgrey, Torresian=white, and Eyrean=black).
This is what the dataset looks like:
Site Biogeographic.affinity Rank Number.of.species Total.Species Percent
1 A Bassian 1 1 121 0.8264463
2 A Eyrean 4 39 121 32.2314050
3 A Torresian 3 62 121 51.2396694
4 A Widespread 2 19 121 15.7024793
5 DD Bassian 1 1 128 0.7812500
6 DD Eyrean 4 46 128 35.9375000
7 DD Torresian 3 63 128 49.2187500
8 DD Widespread 2 18 128 14.0625000
9 E_W Bassian 1 1 136 0.7352941
10 E_W Eyrean 4 54 136 39.7058824
11 E_W Torresian 3 65 136 47.7941176
12 E_W Widespread 2 16 136 11.7647059
13 KS Bassian 1 2 145 1.3793103
14 KS Eyrean 4 63 145 43.4482759
15 KS Torresian 3 62 145 42.7586207
16 KS Widespread 2 18 145 12.4137931
17 Z_Ka Bassian 1 1 110 0.9090909
18 Z_Ka Eyrean 4 64 110 58.1818182
19 Z_Ka Torresian 3 31 110 28.1818182
20 Z_Ka Widespread 2 14 110 12.7272727
This is the code I have written so far (including some of my failed attempts to correct the problem).
ggplot(data=biogeo, aes(x=Site, y=Percent, fill=Biogeographic.affinity)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="black")+
scale_fill_grey() + ylab("Percent") + xlab("Location") +
theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
This gives the basic graph but the colors and order are still wrong. To correct the order I tried, but that did not change anything (FRUSTRATED)!:
newone <- transform(biogeo, Biogeographic.affinity = factor(Biogeographic.affinity ), Rank = factor(Rank, levels = 1:4))
As for color changing I have tried and seems to work but it all looks like the order is still wrong!
cols<- c("Bassian"="darkgrey","Widespread"="lightgrey", "Torresian"="white", "Eyrean"="black") #designates the colors of the bars
ggplot(data=newone, aes(x=Site, y=Percent, fill=Biogeographic.affinity)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="black")+
scale_fill_manual(values = cols) + ylab("Percent") + xlab("Location") +
theme_bw()+ theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())
please help.