
I am new here in stackoverflow and also new in R. I have a question. How do you sort data using ggplot and geom_bar in descending order? Here is my code:

ggplot(actions) +geom_bar(mapping=aes(x=reorder(Actions,Actions,length))) +coord_flip() + ylab("Count") +xlab("Actions")

Here is the output. Would be very grateful for your help. Thank you!

enter image description here

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aes(x=reorder(Actions, Actions, function(x)-length(x)))AK88

1 Answers


You need to reorder your dataframe based on you chosen axis. Here is a working example with cars dataset.

df <- mtcars

df2 <- transform(df,
          cyl = reorder(cyl,order(mpg, decreasing = TRUE)))

p <- ggplot(df2) + 
                geom_bar(aes(x = cyl, y = mpg), stat = 'identity') +
                coord_flip() + 
                ylab("mpg") +


Sorted based on cyl, as that was on my x-axis originally