I've been banging my head over this simple PDO query for hours. What is the correct way to fetch this type of information from MySQL multiple databases. In this query should Fetch or FetchAll be used? as It's querying multiple databases.
Below is my attempt to convert the deprecated MySQL to PDO.
public function Comments($post_iD) {
$query = mysql_query("
SELECT C.com_id, C.uid_fk, C.comment, C.created, U.username
FROM comments C, users U
WHERE U.status = '1'
AND C.uid_fk = U.uiD
AND C.msg_id_fk = '$msg_id'
ORDER by C.com_id"); or die(mysql_error());
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($query) )
$data[] = $row;
if( !empty( $data ) ){
return $data;
PUBLIC FUNCTION Comments( $post_iD ){
$sth = $this->db->prepare("
SELECT C.com_id, C.uid_fk, C.comment, C.created, U.username
FROM comments C, users U
WHERE U.status = '1'
AND C.uid_fk = U.uiD
AND C.msg_id_fk = ?
ORDER by C.com_id");
$data = $this->fetch();
return $data;
This is how I'm displaying the database.
$commentsarray = $Wall->Comments( $post_iD );
if( $commentsarray ){
foreach($commentsarray as $data){
$com_id = $data['com_id'];
$comment = tolink(htmlcode($data['comment'] ));
$time = $data['created'];
$mtime = date("c", $time);
$username = $data['username'];
$com_uid = $data['uid_fk'];
$cface = $Wall->Profile_Pic($com_uid);
<div class="stcommentbody" id="stcommentbody<?php echo $com_id; ?>">
<div class="stcommentimg">
<img src="<?php echo $cface;?>" class="small_face" alt=<?php echo $username;?>">
<div class="stcommenttext">
<?php echo clear($comment); ?>