
I'm having an hard time trying to figure out how to resolve a dependency over a remote artifact in Artifactory, from a Gradle build.

This Artifact is available at :

My build.gradle is :

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""

            credentials {
                username = "$artifactory_user"
                password = "$artifactory_password"

        dependencies {
            classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.4.2'
            classpath(group: 'org.jfrog.buildinfo', name: 'build-info-extractor-gradle', version: '2.0.12', changing: true)

allprojects {
    apply plugin: 'idea'
    apply plugin: 'android'
    apply plugin: 'artifactory'

repositories {
    maven {

        url ""

        credentials {
            username = "$artifactory_user"
            password = "$artifactory_password"

artifactory {
    contextUrl = ''

    resolve {
        repository {
            repoKey = 'libs-snapshot'
            maven = true

On Artifactory, the repository libs-snapshot use the maven unique snapshot behavior and is binding to the maven-2-default layout which has the following configuration :

Artifact Path Pattern : [orgPath]/[module]/[baseRev](-[folderItegRev])/[module]-[baseRev](-[fileItegRev])(-[classifier]).[ext]

Folder Integration Revision RegExp : SNAPSHOT

File Integration Revision RegExp : SNAPSHOT|(?:(?:[0-9]{8}.[0-9]{6})-(?:[0-9]+))

So from my understanding Gradle should resolve the dependency by looking at :

but it is actually looking at :

So obviously it does not resolve the dependency. I also tried to use the gradle compile line generated by Artifactory but it didn't do the trick either :

compile(group: 'com.company.test', name: 'TestArtifact', version: '1.0-20130607.104006-2', ext: 'apklib')

Although I spent some times reading posts and Gradle/Artifactory documentations, I'm even more confused now that I was in the beginning... So, I got a few questions :

1) Gradle doesn't seem to be using the artifactory {} section. In fact, it is only using the url that I declare in the repositories {} section. But when I remove the repositories {} section, it only looks for dependencies locally. Why is that? What is the proper way to declare the Artifactory repositories?

2) Will Gradle be aware of the underlying libs-snapshot layout? If not, does the Artifactory plugin offers a way to customize artifact search pattern (in straight Maven, not with Ivy)? Because I'm only using the free version of Artifactory thus I won't be able to edit repositories layouts.

3) Why does Artifactory generate a gradle compile line that do not seems to match the layout used by the artifact container repository?

Thanks in advance!

I'm having the same exact problem. were you able to figure this out?amadib

2 Answers


This a soft answer I realize, but we resolve artifacts in Artifactory using gradle and all we specify is the following:

repositories {
    maven {
        url "http://repo1:8081/artifactory/repo"

It's a pretty radically different configuration structure, considering it has essentially the same details. May be worth a shot.


You have some mess with Artifactory URL declarations :)

First of all, when you use Artifactory plugin, you can skip the repositories{} declaration (you already declare it in the artifactory{} block) In that block the contextUrl should point to Artifactory root, in your case (without the simple). This is well documented in Artifactory documentation.

If you prefer to use the repositories{} declaration, you must declare a real repository there, not a root, in your case This is well documented in Gralde documentation.

I highly recommend you the Artifactory plugin approach. Working with DSL allows you easier configuration and more powerful integration.