I'm trying to have a webcam take a picture of someone's face in BGR, convert the picture into HSV, and analyze these HSV values that will later be used in a skin detection algorithm. Unfortunately, the picture seems to be analyzed in BGR, even after I try to convert it using cvtColor().
I use the code below to test whether or not I'm using the right color space. Note the part where I try to set saturation and value to 0:
Mat faceROI = findFace(first); //basic Mat, region of interest for face (code not included)
Mat temp;
faceROI.convertTo(temp, CV_8UC3); //making sure this has right no. of channels and such
CvScalar s;
IplImage face_ipl = temp; //new header
IplImage* aNew = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(&face_ipl), face_ipl.depth, 3);
cvCvtColor(&face_ipl, aNew, CV_BGR2HSV);
for(int x = 0; x < faceROI.cols; x++){
for (int y = 0; y < faceROI.rows; y++){
s = cvGet2D(aNew, x, y);
s.val[1] = 0; //should be saturation
s.val[2] = 0; //should be value
cvSet2D(aNew, x, y, s);
Mat again(aNew); //<--- is this where something is set back to BGR?
imshow("white", again);
This produces a completely blue picture of my face, so it seems likes I'm editing the G and R channels of a BGR image, instead of the S and V channels of an HSV image. (I'd post the image, but this is my first post so I don't have enough reputation yet.)
Does anybody know why this is happening? Any and all thoughts are appreciated.
function will always interpret the image as a simple RGB or BGR image. As you are assigning0
to the S and V channels, only the H channel remains which corresponds to B in a BGR image. So forimshow
is a BGR image with values only in blue channel. That's why you are seeing blue output. – sgarizvicvtColor(again,again,CV_HSV2BGR)
. – sgarizvi