I'm using storage_path()
for storing uploaded images, but when I use it is pointing wrong on my page.
I use it like this {{ $data->thumbnail }}
where $data
came from the database and thumbnail comes as the string which used storage_path
Let us take a look at the default L4 application structure:
app // contains restricted server-side application data
app/storage // a writeable directory used by L4 and custom functions to store data ( i.e. log files, ... )
public // this directory is accessible for clients
If I were you, I would upload the file to the public directory directly:
Hope this helps.
The storage_path function returns the path to the storage folder, which is inside the app folder --and outside the public folder-- so it's not directly accessible from the client, that's why your images are not being displayed. You can move them to the public folder path, or you could use a custom controller to handle the image requests, read the image from the storage folder and return the value.