
I started to write a durandal app for a search engine with different filter widgets. I started to code the viewmodels according to the following standard which I have seen in several tutorials (see example below without further explications), but I have run into problems as soon as I assign a function with the same name on the "self" of two different viewmodels.

I noticed that when I started to copy an existing widget: In the beginning result sets are mixed, functions are not called without any error...and then successively changed observable and function names and finally I got it working only by changing the function names. (e.g. self.facets -> self.facetsPA etc.) It took me a while to find it out and it is nice to know to finish the project on time, but it doesn't seem like a good practice and I feel I maybe do something wrong (by assigning all functions on the self object?).

Thanks for some explanations. Cheers, Dennis

define(['durandal/http', 'durandal/app', 'durandal/system','durandal/plugins/router'],     function (http, app, system, router) {
var self = this;

var PatentOfficeItem = function(id,name) {
    this.id = ko.observable(id);
    this.name = ko.observable(name);

self.facetsPA = ko.observableArray([]);
self.selectablePAFacets =  ko.computed(function() {
    var results = [];
    ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.facetsPA(), function(item) {
        var o = item.key();
        if (!self.officeExists(o))

    return results;

self.selectedPatentOffices = ko.observableArray([]);
self.officeToAdd = ko.observable("");
self.addPatentOffice = function(item) {

self.removePatentOffice = function(item) {
    var active = router.activeRoute();
    if (active.hash == "#/results/show") {
        app.trigger('PatentSearch:newQuery', 1);

self.officeExists = function(code) {
    var result = false;
    ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.selectedPatentOffices(), function(item) {
        if (item.toString()==code.toString())
            result = true;
    return result;

self.onCheckFacet = function(f) {
    var key = f.key();
    var value = f.value();
    var checked = f.checked();
    if (!self.officeExists(key))
    app.trigger('PatentSearch:newQuery', 1);

self.onCheckOffice = function(f) {
    app.trigger('PatentSearch:newQuery', 1);

self.getSetDifference2 = function(list1,list2) {
    var difference = [];
    var lookup = {};
    for (var j in list2) {
        var id = list2[j].id;
        lookup[list2[j].id] = list2[j].name;
    for (var i in list1) {
        var id2 = list1[i].id;
        //if (lookup[id] == undefined ||lookup[id] === undefined) {
        if (!(id2 in lookup)) {
    return difference;

return {
    activate: function () {},
    viewAttached: function() {
        setTimeout(function() {

                source: function (query, process) {
                    return $.ajax({
                        url: "/assets/Content/patentoffices.json",
                        type: 'get',
                        data: {},
                        dataType: 'json',
                        success: function (result) {
                            var resultList = result.map(function (item) {
                                var aItem = { id: item.id, name: item.name };
                                return aItem;//JSON.stringify(aItem);
                            //return process(resultList);
                            return process(self.getSetDifference2(resultList,self.selectedPatentOffices()));

                matcher: function (obj) {
                    var item = JSON.parse(obj);
                    return (~item.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase()) || ~item.id.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase()));

                sorter: function (items) {
                    var beginswith = [], caseSensitive = [], caseInsensitive = [], item;
                    while (aItem = items.shift()) {
                        var item = JSON.parse(aItem);
                        if (!item.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.query.toLowerCase())) beginswith.push(JSON.stringify(item));
                        else if (~item.name.indexOf(this.query)) caseSensitive.push(JSON.stringify(item));
                        else caseInsensitive.push(JSON.stringify(item));

                    return beginswith.concat(caseSensitive, caseInsensitive)


                highlighter: function (obj) {
                    var item = JSON.parse(obj);
                    var query = this.query.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')
                    var n = item.name.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) {
                        return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>'
                    var m = item.id.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) {
                        return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>'
                    return ""+m+"- " + n;

                updater: function (obj) {
                    var item = JSON.parse(obj);
                    //$('#IdControl').attr('value', item.id);

                    var active = router.activeRoute();
                    if (active.hash == "#/results/show") {
                        app.trigger('PatentSearch:newQuery', 1);

                    return "";




1 Answers


If you're talking about widgets as in Durandal's definition of widgets than those need to return a constructor function to ensure that they can be instantiated multiple times. The example above returns a singleton instead.


define(function(require) {
    var widget = require('durandal/widget');

    var ctor = function(element, settings) {
        this.settings = settings;

    ctor.prototype.getHeaderText = function(item) {
        if (this.settings.headerProperty) {
            return item[this.settings.headerProperty];

        return item.toString();

    ctor.prototype.afterRenderItem = function(elements, item) {
        var parts = widget.getParts(elements);
        var $itemContainer = $(parts.itemContainer);


        $(parts.headerContainer).bind('click', function() {

    return ctor;