I'm trying to bind multiple ViewModels to one view. Now after this works i got a problem with a function. Somehow i have to click a function twice to get to the other ViewModel
<div data-bind= "visible: showStartStamp">
<input type="button" value="START" name="StartStamp" data-bind="click: startTimestamp"/>
<div data-bind= "visible: showStopStamp">
<input type="button" value="STOP" name="StopStamp" data-bind="click: stopTimestamp"/>
The knockout Function looks like this
this.showStart = function () {
masterViewModel.projectStartVM(new ProjectStartVM());
And another thing is, that the Knokockout-Binding in the ProjectStartVM doesn't work correctly!
Here is a js fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/4A87x/10/