I've spent days searching for information on the internet about this with no joy :( Really hoping someone can help.
I'm trying to create an ambilight clone using boblight, an Arduino Uno and an LED strip. This should cause the LEDs in my room to react and change colour with the colour on screen.
The main difference between what I'm doing and what others have done is that I don't have an LED strip with individually programmable LEDs. Instead of making the LEDs match the different points on the screen, I'm aiming for all the LEDs to be the same colour, based on the most dominant (or average?) colour on the screen.
My circuit is set up in a similar way to the image on this page, except without the resistors (apologies, I don't have enough reputation points to post the image into this post:
I've written a really simple sketch to change the colour of the LED strip and that works fine. I've also set up boblight on my Windows PC, including the .config file and I think that's ok too (although not really sure how to tell!)
The config file looks like this:
port 19333
name arduino_ambilight
type atmo
output "com3"
rate 115200
channels 3
interval 20000
allowsync on
debug on
delayafteropen 10000000
name red
rgb FF0000
name green
rgb 00FF00
name blue
rgb 0000FF
name main
color red arduino_ambilight 9
color green arduino_ambilight 10
color blue arduino_ambilight 11
hscan 0 100
vscan 0 100
The trouble is, I have no idea how to get the signal from boblight to my Arduino and how to write a sketch to interpret the boblight information.
I've followed John b's advice and uploaded the Adafruit LEDStream sketch to my Arduino. (see John b's post below for link to code). This is supposed to cause the LEDs to flash red, green, blue. Unfortunately it does nothing.
I imagine this is because my wiring is not set up as the Adafruit tutorial has recommended (for Adafruit wiring see http://learn.adafruit.com/adalight-diy-ambient-tv-lighting/wiring-1).
It's not possible for me to set up my wiring in this way as my strip of LEDs is different from those used in the Adalight tutorial. As mentioned above, my LEDs don't have an input and output and they don't have individually addressable LEDs. Instead I have a simple LED strip with a +12V, R, G and B.
How can I adapt Adafruit's LEDstream code to work with my wiring setup (see above link to image)? Either that or how can I adapt my wiring (given that I have to use my LEDs) to work with LEDStream?
Is there anyone out there who can help?
Many, many thanks,