I want to turn ON and OFF, three LEDS connected to arduino, using a python GUI, thus I use pyserial. The state of the LEDs is described by a tuple
RGB = (Red On/Off, Green On/Off, Blue On/Off), e.g. (1,0,1)
Since pyserial.write() works only with strings, let's say that RGB = "101"
I want to sent to arduino the RGB string, split it to three values 1, 0 and 1, and set LOW or HIGH three output pins, depending on the incoming values.
The python code works fine:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM4', 9600)
This is the arduino code:
void setup() {
void loop() {
char input_data = ' ';
char input_data = {Serial.read()};
The print line is only for inspection purpose.
Can I somehow split the input_data string, and retrieve its values, like:
int R = input_data[0];
int G = input_data[1];
int B = input_data[2];
Any suggestion would be appreciated.