
I am using Castle Windsor in MVC application and i have got this problem:

I have IUnitOfWorkProvider dependency which I want to have PerWebRequest lifestyle.

In Controller I have these two dependecies:

public class UserController : Controller
    public UserController(IUnitOfWorkProvider unitOfWorkProvider,
                          IAuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider)
        this.unitOfWorkProvider = unitOfWorkProvider;
        this.authenticationProvider = authenticationProvider;

AuthenticationProvider has the same dependency (IUnitOfWorkProvider)

public class AuthenticationProvider : IAuthenticationProvider
    public AuthenticationProvider(IUnitOfWorkProvider unitOfWorkProvider)
        this.unitOfWorkProvider = unitOfWorkProvider;

The problem is that the "two" UnitOfWorkProviders (in the controller and in AuthenticationProvider) are not the same which I would expect them to be.

IAuthenticationProvider,AuthenticationProvider and its registration are in different project (Windows Library).


LifestylePerThread does not work with the same error.

When I set LifestyleSignleton it works fine.

Can anybody help? Thanks.

i don't quite get what's the actual problemmaxlego
@maxlego: I have changed the description to be more understandable, hope that is betterMartin Volek
what's IAuthenticationProvider lifestyle?maxlego
IAuthenticationProvider has a singleton lifestyle. How could I do such a silly mistake! Thank for help. That was really a professional blindness :DMartin Volek

1 Answers


The problem was that IAuthenticationProvider had singleton lifestyle. I have changed it to PerWebRequest as well and now it works fine.