I need to test a Vaadin website with JMeter but I can't get it to work. I have tried recording my actions with a proxy and that went well, but when i try to run the test again it gives me an error: out of sync. I have disabled the xsrf.
Has this something todo with the fact Vaadin can't run in two tabs at the same time? I am using vaadin 6 and i can't easily upgrade.
Thanks in advance Stefan
the error response i get is:
for(;;);[{"changes":[], "meta" : {"appError": {"caption":"Out of sync","message" : "Something has caused us to be out of sync with the server.Take note of any unsaved data, and click here</u> to re-sync.","url" : null}}, "resources": {}, "locales":[]}]
Solution: - Disable xrsf because when you record and then start a new thread the request is sends the wrong security key. Enable it when going live ofcourse! - Make sure ever component is unique and consitent. The problem in my application was that the id's of the components were changing every request. So the request when recording is only validate while recording. When i replayed it, it asks for the wrong id. By making it unique and consitent this problem dissapears!
Good luck and have fun ;)