I need to load test a Vaadin application. I found this link explaining how to use JMeter with Vaadin however I can't get it to work. I suspect the problem are my MenuItems since Vaadin 6.4 ChangeLog mentions that some change was made to MenuItems in order to make Vaadin MenuItems HTTP-Level tester friendly. However upgrading the Vaadin 6.4 and 6.5 yielded no better results.
Here is my problem, I need to load test my Vaadin application to prove it will work with at least 50 concurrent users. However the async nature of Vaadin means that most tools have no idea when a response has taken place or whether it is correct. How can I script a test and emulate 50 users? Any help will be much appreciated I've tried a lot with Selenium and other tools but their scripts never execute reliably. Has anyone load test a vaadin app? If so how?