So I have an excel workbook that has a global mapping scheme in it. So I have a shape for each and every country in excel. Depending on the region select, relative to the data/query, it will shade regions/countries in various ways.
So I know how to manipulate each shape in terms of colors, gradient shading, etc....
What I don't know how to do is "unselect" the shape at the end of the sub routine. My code looks like this (real simple):
selection.shaperange.fill.visible = true
selection.shaperange.fill.onecolorgradiend msogradienthorizontal, 2, 0.45
ok so from one shape/country/region to another the "unselect" is not that big of a deal because focus jumps, but at the end????
I have guessed/tried a bunch of stuff but alas no luck