I'm trying to make an angularjs app out of an site by clicking on a JS bookmarklet.
The problem is the ng-controller isn't recognize by angular and throws this error:
Error: Argument 'LDController' is not a function, got undefined
First i define ng-app and use angular.module with the same name, this works, i got <html ng-app="bookmarklet">
Then I load an external file by the name of application.js. app.controller('LDController', ..)
is defined in this file!
What i am doing wrong? here is the js bookmarklet code:
function loadApp() { document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].setAttribute('ng-app', 'bookmarklet'); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('ng-controller', 'LDController'); div.innerHTML = ''; document.body.appendChild(div); var js = document.createElement('script'); js.innerText = "var app = angular.module('bookmarklet', []);"; document.body.appendChild(js); js = document.createElement('script'); js.setAttribute('src', 'http://example.org/js/application.js'); document.body.appendChild(js); } (function () { if (typeof angular === 'undefined') { js = document.createElement('script'); js.setAttribute('src', 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.1.4/angular.min.js'); js.onload = loadApp; document.body.appendChild(js); } else { loadApp(); } }());
tags rather specially. Have you seen the discussion here where Igor talks about how the inclusion of jQuery could help? – Ram Rajamonyng-app
directive. The prescribed method for doing this is to NOT insertng-app
and instead to callangular.bootstrap
on the appropriate element after everything else is set up. So for instance: angular.element(document).ready(function() {angular.bootstrap(document, ['bookmarklet']);} Can you try this? There is more information here – Ram Rajamony