
I am having an Android app in the Market with Multiple APK Support. Now it is not supporting Galaxy S4 with screen resolution 1080x1920 and density 441dp;i.e. the app is not showing in Galaxy S4. What might the reason??? Please help????

Filter used in manifest (for apk which is supporting Galaxy S3 (screen size 4.8"), Galaxy Nexus (screen size 4.65") with 720x1280 resolution): compatible-screens screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="xhdpi" compatible-screens

Note: screen density of S3 is 306dp and Nexus is 316dp

Would love to hear the answer to this!Blitz
@LordT Have any of the solutions posted helped you solve your problem?TronicZomB

2 Answers


The correct bucket for the Samsung Galaxy S4 is as follows:

   android:screenSize="normal" /> 

Credit also given to CommonsWare here.


you need to support xxhdpi devices since the S4 has a 441dpi.
I believe the xxhdpi bucket starts at 440dpi.
This should work for you. Most of the apps have been changed to support this.
Galaxy S4 falls under the large screen bucket, but then so will certain 7" tablets. You will have to decide if you want to support that size or not in order to be compatible with the S4's 5" screen.


One of the s4 application manifest suggests the following

<supports-screens android:smallScreens="false"
        android:normalScreens="true" android:largeScreens="true"
        android:anyDensity="true" />

Try this