
Is there a database, which contains resolution in pixels, screen-size and density for each particular device?

Something like this:

Samsung Galaxy S2 | 480 x 800 | screen-size=normal | density=hdpi

Google Nexus | 1280x720 | screen-size=normal | density=xhdpi

also processor, BogoMips, support for OpenGl ES 2.0, ... would be usefulMarc Van Daele
In short there's no such list AFAIK but some lists are present not exactly full ones but at least they have some info spreadsheets.google.com/… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Android_devicesSergey Benner
possible duplicate of Android Screen sizesDan Burton

4 Answers


http://www.android.com/devices/ is the list I use a lot

Edit : this seems to be the new best location after previous link was turned into marketing content It's also more of a database now https://material.io/devices/


You can either detect it on the device using this: Get screen dimensions in pixels

Or you would have to create it by going to www.phonearena.com/

But I don't know if anyone is going to construct a db like this and then just hand it out.


I like https://www.gsmarena.com, it has a comprehensive database of nearly all the devices with screen dimensions, densities and much more other information.


Check this out for the different screen sizes and the category under which they fall.....for phone specific details, you can visit gsmarena.com