Hi I'm new to neo4j and cypher. I've built my database such that there are multiple depths in the graph you can start at. In my example the graph is a tree the root node is an index and nodes at level 4 are indices. I'm using py2neo to develop the graph and I use the get_or_create_indexed_node method in accordance with: py2neo documentation
patient_node = graph_db.get_or_create_indexed_node('patients', 'name',
but when I run my cypher query such that I land on a index node I can only get the id. For example when I do this:
start n=node:rootnode(name='root'), p=node:patients('name:*')
match n-[:chrm]-()-[:pos]-()-[:patient]-p-[:variant]->vars
where (has(vars.mutations)) return p.name"
I get error saying: The property 'name' does not exist on Node[84361]
what am i doing wrong?