I'm using Neo4j to find Users who are in a 50 km radius and who are available on specific days.
This question is similar to this other question but Indexes have changed since Neo4J 2.0 so the solution does not work.
I use Neo4j 2.2.1, Neo4j-spatial 0.14 and py2neo / py2neo-spatial to interact with the graph.
To add user geometries to the graph I use:
def create_geo_node(graph, node, layer_name, name, latitude, longitude):
spatial = Spatial(graph)
layer = spatial.create_layer(layer_name)
node_id = node._id
shape = parse_lat_long(latitude, longitude)
spatial.create_geometry(geometry_name=name, wkt_string=shape.wkt, layer_name="Users", node_id=node_id)
..which creates the spatial nodes as wanted.
I then would like to query the graph by doing:
START user=node:Users('withinDistance:[4.8,45.8,100]')
MATCH period=(start_date:Date)-[:NEXT_DAY*]->(end_date:Date)
WHERE start_date.date="2014-03-03" AND end_date.date="2014-03-04"
UNWIND nodes(period) as nodes_in_period
OPTIONAL MATCH (nodes_in_period)<-[a:AVAILABLE]-(user:User)
RETURN user.uuid, count(a)/count(nodes(period))
but the query returns:
Index `Users` does not exist
Is seems that the py2neo spatial.create_layer(..) creates the layer but not the Index (but should it? ..as Indexes are now a "Legacy" of Neo4j 1.*)
Using py2neo spatial find_within_distance works but since it uses the REST api I cannot make mixed requests which take into account other parameters
From what I understand, START is deprecated since Neo4j 2.0 but I am unable to find the correct Cypher query for withinDistance in Neo4j 2.2
Thank you in advance,
does not create a typical Neo index - it creates a graph that it can then use to efficiently carry out spatial-type queries on related application nodes. You should never have to worry about this index. – noisyboiler