
I have a question regarding Haskell that's been stumping my brain. I'm currently required to write a function that removes a string i.e. "word" from a list of strings ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"] returns the list ["hi", "today", "Word", "WORD"]. I cannot use any higher-order functions and can only resort to primitive recursion.

Thinking about the problem, I thought maybe I could solve it by using a recursion where you search the head of the first string, if it matches "w" then compare the next head from the tail, and see if that matches "o". But then I soon realized that after all that work, you wouldn't be able to delete the complete string "word".

My question really being how do I compare a whole string in a list rather than only comparing 1 element at a time with something like: removeWord (x:xs). Is it even possible? Do I have to write a helper function to aid in the solution?

The fact that your list contains strings isn't really important here. Try solving the problem for e.g. list of Int first, then it should be just a matter of changing the type signature to make it work for lists of strings.hammar
When you match (x:xs) against ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"], x becomes "hi" and xs becomes ["today", "word", "Word", "WORD"]. That is, it matches string by string, not character by character. This works because you have a list of strings rather than just one big string.Tikhon Jelvis
Oh I see! Thank you so much this is where it was giving me trouble. I thought it was only the first element and not the whole word. This clears up everything!Phirip

4 Answers


Consider the base case: removing a word from an empty list will be the empty list. This can be trivially written like so:

removeWord [] _ = []

Now consider the case where the list is not empty. You match this with x:xs. You can use a guard to select between these two conditions:

  1. x is the word you want to remove. (x == word)
  2. x is not the word you want to remove. (otherwise)

You don't need a helper function, though you could write one if you wanted to. You've basically got 3 conditions:

  1. You get an empty list.
  2. You get a list whose first element is the one you want to remove.
  3. You get a list whose first element is anything else.

In other languages, you would do this with a set of if-else statements, or with a case statement, or a cond. In Haskell, you can do this with guards:

remove_word_recursive:: String -> [String] -> [String]
remove_word_recursive _ []                              = []
remove_word_recursive test_word (x:xs) | test_word == x = what in this case?
remove_word_recursive test_word (x:xs)                  = what in default case?

Fill in the correct result for this function in these two conditions, and you should be done.

I think what you're looking for is a special case of the function sought for this question on string filters: Haskell - filter string list based on some conditions . Reading some of the discussion on the accepted answer might help you understand more of Haskell.


Since you want to remove a list element, it's easy to do it with List Comprehension.

myList = ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"]
[x | x <- myList, x /= "word"]

The result is:


If isInfixOf is not considered as higher order, then

import Data.List (isInfixOf)
filter  (not . isInfixOf "word")  ["hi", "today", "word", "Word", "WORD"]