
The main reason for using atomics over mutexes, is that mutexes are expensive but with the default memory model for atomics being memory_order_seq_cst, isn't this just as expensive?

Question: Can concurrent a program using locks be as fast as concurrent lock-free program?

If so, it may not be worth the effort unless I want to use memory_order_acq_rel for atomics.

Edit: I may be missing something but lock-based cant be faster than lock-free because each lock will have to be a full memory barrier too. But with lock-free, it's possible to use techniques that are less restrictive then memory barriers.

So back to my question, is lock-free any faster than lock based in new C++11 standard with default memory_model?

Is "lock-free >= lock-based when measured in performance" true? Let's assume 2 hardware threads.

Edit 2: My question is not about progress guarantees, and maybe I'm using "lock-free" out of context.

Basically when you have 2 threads with shared memory, and the only guarantee you need is that if one thread is writing then the other thread can't read or write, my assumption is that a simple atomic compare_and_swap operation would be much faster than locking a mutex.

Because if one thread never even touches the shared memory, you will end up locking and unlocking over and over for no reason but with atomic operations you only use 1 CPU cycle each time.

In regards to the comments, a spin-lock vs a mutex-lock is very different when there is very little contention.

Well, there's different progress guarantees between locks, lock-free , and wait-free code.Ben Voigt
atomic operations (whether they are used for lock free stuff or to implement locks) take MUCH longer than "1 CPU cycle". used to be in the triple-digits (!) on Pentium 4, now it's down to low double digits -- but still much more than 1.Paul Groke
@curiousguy Ah. I think I understand now - at least somewhat. In that case the answer is "cached". I was correcting the OP's claim, and for that assuming optimal conditions for his claim, i.e. the fastest atomic CAS that you can get. Which on prescott was about 100 cycles and on more modern x86 CPUs is in the 15-20 cycle range. ps: I still find the use of the word "hypothesis" confusing. I would have used "conditions".Paul Groke

3 Answers


Lockfree programming is about progress guarantees: From strongest to weakest, those are wait-free, lock-free, obstruction-free, and blocking.

A guarantee is expensive and comes at a price. The more guarantees you want, the more you pay. Generally, a blocking algorithm or datastructure (with a mutex, say) has the greatest liberties, and thus is potentially the fastest. A wait-free algorithm on the other extreme must use atomic operations at every step, which may be much slower.

Obtaining a lock is actually rather cheap, so you should never worry about that without a deep understanding of the subject. Moreover, blocking algorithms with mutexes are much easier to read, write and reason about. By contrast, even the simplest lock-free data structures are the result of long, focused research, each of them worth one or more PhDs.

In a nutshell, lock- or wait-free algorithms trade worst latency for mean latency and throughput. Everything is slower, but nothing is ever very slow. This is a very special characteristic that is only useful in very specific situations (like real-time systems).


A lock tends to require more operations than a simple atomic operation does. In the simplest cases, memory_order_seq_cst will be about twice as fast as locking because locking tends to require, at minimum two atomic operations in its implementation (one to lock, one to unlock). In many cases, it takes even more than that. However, once you start leveraging the memory orders, it can be much faster because you are willing to accept less synchronization.

Also, you'll often see "locking algorithms are always as fast as lock free algorithms." This is somewhat true. The basic idea is that if the fastest algorithm happens to be lock free, then the fastest algorithm without the lock-free guarentee is ALSO the same algorithm! However, if the fastest algortihm requires locks, then those demanding lockfree guarantees have to go find a slower algorithm.

In general, you will see lockfree algorithms in a few low level algorithms, where the performance of leveraging specialized opcodes helps. In almost all other code, locking is more than satisfactory performance, and much easier to read.


Question: Can concurrent a program using locks be as fast as concurrent lock-free program?

It can be faster: lock free algorithm must keep the global state in a consistent state at all time, and do calculations without knowing if they will be productive as the state might have changed when the calculation is done, making it irrelevant, with lost CPU cycles.

The lock free strategy makes the serialization happen at the end of the process, when the calculation is done. In a pathological case many threads can do an effort and only one effort will be productive, and the others will retry.

Lock free can lead to starvation of some threads, whatever their priority is, and there is no way to avoid that. (Although it's unlikely for a thread to starve retrying for very long unless there is crazy contention.)

On the other hand, "serialized calculation and series of side effect based" (aka lock based) algorithms will not start before they know they will not be prevented by other actors to operate on that specific locked ressource (the guarantee is provided by the use of a mutex). Note that they might be prevented from finishing by the need to access another resource, if multiple locks are taken, leading to possible dead lock when multiple locks are needed in a badly designed program.

Note that this dead lock issue isn't in the scope of lock free code, which can't even act on multiple entities: it usually can't do an atomic commit based on two unrelated objects(1).

So the lack of chance of dead lock for lock free code is sign of weakness of lock free code: not being able to dead lock is a limit of your tool. A system that can only hold of lock at a time also wouldn't be able to dead lock.

The scope of lock free algorithms is minuscule compared to the scope of lock based algorithms. For a lot of problem, lock free doesn't even make sense.

A lock based algorithm is polite, the threads will have to wait in line before doing what they need to do: that is maximally efficient in term of computation steps by each thread. But it's inefficient to have to queue threads in a wait list: they often can't use the end of their time slice, so it can be very inefficient, as someone trying to do serious work while being interrupted by the phone all the time: his concentration is gone and he can't never reach maximum efficiency because his work time to cut into small pieces.

(1) You would have at least need to be able to do a double CAS for that, that is an operation atomic on two arbitrary addresses (not a double word CAS, which is just a CAS on more bits, which can trivially be implemented up to the natural CPU memory access arbitration unit that is the cache line).