Is it possible to dump a raw RTSP stream to file and then later decode the file to something playable?
Currently I'm using FFmpeg to receive and decode the stream, saving it to an mp4 file. This works perfectly, but is CPU intensive, and will severely limit the number of RTSP streams I can receive simultaneously on my server.
I would like to save the stream to file without decoding it, and delay the decoding part to when the file needs to be opened.
Is this possible?
I have tried VLC, which is even more CPU intensive than FFmpeg. I've also looked at this question where the answer says dumping RTSP to file is not useful, and this question, where the comment below the question says "Raw RTSP content is not well suited for save and replay...", which seems to indicate that there is way.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT Here is the command I'm using for FFmpeg:
ffmpeg -i rtsp://@ -r 15 C:/DB_Videos/2013-04-30 17_18_34.703.mp4