What I can do: Take a sqlite DB of 100 lat and lng points, and drop those pins on a map. Looks GREAT!
What I would like to do is get my location, BEFORE I draw my map. But it seems that:
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
ALWAYS fires off AFTER (void)viewDidLoad runs. NO MATTER where I insert it.
What i need to do is have a splash screen, STOP there until I get a location, use that lat and lng to search my sqlite DB of locations within so many miles of me.
Here my trace:
Entering -[RootViewController initWithTabBar]
Entering -[RootViewController viewDidLoad]
Entering -[RootViewController locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation:]
And here's what I really want:
Entering -[RootViewController initWithTabBar]
Entering -[RootViewController locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation:]
Entering -[RootViewController viewDidLoad]
Now I'm thinking (working with a tabbarcontroller), do somehow I have to push this all the way back to my app delegate? Freeze the entire app until I get a location? That's my latest thoughts.
thanks for any tips, leads, snippets ... !!! I've been looking for days, no luck at all.