
I think I am missing something obvious somewhere. I have a (CLLocation *)lastqueriedlocation defined in the header as a property and synthesized. I want to updated it in locationManager:didUPdateToLocation:fromLocation:

- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation{

    CLLocationDistance dist = [lastQueriedLocation getDistanceFrom:newLocation];
    if (dist>1000) {
        lastQueriedLocation = newLocation;
        [self reSearch:lastQueriedLocation];

    if ([resultArray count] > 0) {
        [self findAndDisplayNearestLocation:location];

lastQueriedLocation is alloced and init'd in viewDidLoad.

The issue is that of course lastQueriedLocation = newLocation; results in an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. So what is the correct approach to persisting the lastQueriedLocation ?

If it helps make the problem more concrete - reSearch is calling a web service fetching POI within 2km of the location - so I only want to do it when we have moved 1km ... but I still want to keep the accuracy at best so I can highlight the nearest, scroll the map etc.


1 Answers


You're just setting the iVar rather than the synthesised property, which means newLocation doesn't get retained by the property.

Replace lastQueriedLocation = newLocation; with:

[self setLastQueriedLocation:newLocation];

Or, if you'd rather use dot-notation:

self.lastQueriedLocation = newLocation;