I've got a custom NSTableHeaderView of custom NSTableHeaderCell objects that draw a custom header. The problem I'm having is that when the NSScroller bars show up, the header drawn above the scroller is the default, not my custom drawing.
2 Answers
Turns out the view that controls this section (over the scroller, right side of header) is called cornerView and the NSTableView has a -setCornerView:(NSView *)view method to set it. I fixed my problem by subclassing NSView and using custom drawing to draw a corner image into the view, then setting that subclass using the previously mentioned method.
Mac Mojave Left Corner View
Recently when providing support for one of my application on Mac Mojave I find out the culprit behind the top left corner view of table view. this can also be removed if we will set the corner view from xib like below.
This issue produces if Automatically Hide Scroller property is set to YES and no corner view has been set