Goal: Use BlueZ and an Bluetooth 4LE dongle to create a peripheral that advertises the bluetooth equivalent of "Hello World".
Where I'm At: I've currently got the BlueZ stack setup and downloaded, I can use the hci tool to recognize and see the Bluetooth dongle. I've tinkered with hciconfig leadv but I'm just not quite getting it/understanding what's going on.
What Help I Think I Need: I need to get it to the next step. If anyone can either point me towards a good resource, walk me through this, or anything, It would be much appreciated. If I need to do additional leg(search)work I can but I've scoured Google and SO with as many different derivatives of this question as I can think of.
*I tagged this as CoreBluetooth as well in hopes that maybe an iOS dev has tinkered with this at some point.
EDIT: In response to a comment, It seems prudent to state what my end goal is. I'd ultimately like to advertise via the dongle the simplest of simple messages/signals and pick that up on an iOS device (CoreBluetooth). I've been able to get the iOS side of things working well (tons of documentation compared to the Linux side of things) but that hard part for me is getting this adapter setup as a peripheral. The BlueZ stack is a terrible enigma for me.
EDIT: After more digging, I eventually stumbled upon this post: Raspberry Pi Bluetooth 4.0 Connection. This has led me toward the topic of a GATT server, I'll continue pursuing this topic.
EDIT: Alright so my quest for learning goes on. Over the past couple of days I've dived deeper into the hci*, sdptool, and gatttool tools. I've gotten to the point of being able to set the adapter to advertise, "hciconfig hci0 leadv". At this point, I can successfully "see" the adapter, but I cannot actually read anything off of it. I'm not even seeing the friendly name. I'll keep trucking on but as always, any help/suggestions are more than welcome.
EDIT: Relevant Link, solid overview of Bluetooth LE pertaining to iOS. https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternetWeb/Conceptual/CoreBluetooth_concepts/AboutCoreBluetooth/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013257-CH1-SW1
LAST EDIT: Hey all, this link covers how to create an iBeacon using a Raspberry Pi + BlueZ... http://www.wadewegner.com/2014/05/create-an-ibeacon-transmitter-with-the-raspberry-pi/
hciconfig leadv
on slave device andhcitool lescan
on the master device. – TJD