I am trying to connect to a Raspberry Pi via iPhone using CoreBluetooth (bluetooth 4.0). I have discovered the device and send out a connection request using this code:
if (peripheral != self.foundPeripheral) {
NSLog(@"Try to connect to %@", peripheral.name);
self.foundPeripheral = peripheral;
[self.centralManager stopScan];
[self.centralManager connectPeripheral:peripheral options:nil];
Neither the didConnectPeripheral or didFailedToConnectPeripheral are called. I also made sure to set the RPi to advertise bluetooth low energy using
sudo hciconfig hci0 leadv
but when I check active connections with
hcitool con
there are no active connections. Am I missing some set up for the RPi? Also the name variable on the peripheral is blank, is that because I have not connected yet?
that seems to contribute to that kind of role. – Tim Tisdall