I have a macro that's working when one argument is passed, and I'd like to expand it to accept n number of arguments using ..., but I'm having trouble figuring out the syntax.
The macro accepts either custom syntax, ie, key:val key:val, or it accepts a procedure.
For example: (3 different usages)
(schema-properties [(name:first-name type:string)])
(schema-properties [(name:age type:number required:#t)])
(schema-properties [(my-custom-fn arg1 arg2 arg3)])
(define-syntax (schema-properties stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ [(prop:expr ...)])
(with-syntax ([prop0 (make-prop-hash #'(prop ...))])
#'(list prop0))]))
(define-for-syntax (make-prop-hash stx)
(with-syntax ([(props ...) stx])
(if (regexp-match #px":"
(symbol->string (car (syntax->datum #'(props ...)))))
#'(pairs->hash 'props ...)
#'(props ...))))
This works, in that it checks the prop:expr syntax for the presense of ":", and if it exists, passes it to the function (pairs->hash 'props ...), otherwise, it just invokes it (props ...).
Now, I'd like to be able to pass in:
(schema-properties [(name:first-name type:string)
(name:last-name type:string)
(my-fn arg1 arg2 arg3)])
and have it work the same way. But I'm currently in ellipsis hell and my brain is no longer working correctly.
Any insights are appreciated.