(define-syntax (test stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ body ...)
(with-syntax ([body0 (process-body #'(body ...))])
How should I receive the pattern and the ellipses in the helper? I'm not even sure if wrapping the body ... inside () is correct, but I've seen it around and it's the only thing that doesn't crash.
The process-body procedure ends up with syntax that has extra () wrapping it. I can try and break this apart, but I'm just wondering what the correct way to do this is.
process-body wraps the body pattern with some code before AND after. And, similar to define, I want to be able to provide the macro with multiple forms rather than all forms in one list. So, if given (form1) (form2), where form2 is the ellipses, process-body should (do-something) (form1) (form2) (do-something-else).
(define-for-syntax (process-body body-syntax)
(with-syntax ([stx body-syntax])
(syntax/loc body-syntax
(λ (request)
Of course I have this working when I define the template in-line, and I suppose I could do that here, but sometimes the template becomes unwieldy and it's nice to call a helper.
Thanks a lot.
As an edit to try dyoo's first example, I'm providing the following:
#lang racket
(define-syntax (test2 stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ body ...)
(with-syntax ([(body0 ...) (process-body2 #'(body ...))])
#'(begin body0 ...))]))
(define-for-syntax (process-body2 bodies)
(with-syntax ([(body ...) bodies])
(syntax/loc bodies
(λ (request)
body ...))))
(test2 (print "hi"))
λ: bad syntax
is intended to consume a list of syntaxes, then you can probably do something like:(process-body (syntax->list #'(body ...)))
, usingsyntax->list
to fragment the syntax object into its pieces. – dyooprocess-body
does, the question is a little unclear. Can you add more detail? – dyoobegin
to splice? – dyoo